tantrické rituály v Brně

Salon Kaira Sayah

Tantra Massage and Rituals in Brno

We are a group of spirited people. Our clients benefit from a broad spectrum of various techniques of self-development.
We provide sexological coaching, couple counselling, shadow work and other.

You can read more about individual specialties at our therapists’ profiles
Each of us has an unique story of their own, constantly rebuilding and reshaping it to reach our life’s fullest potential.

We create and maintain a safe space where you can express all of your needs, desires and intentions.
This makes the fundamentals of each meeting individually tailored around You.
Take a moment of calm to deeply explore our profiles and choose the right therapist for you.

You can read more on the service we provide, individual techniques we employ, our working hours as well as our phone numbers to get in touch.
The divine space of Kaira Sayah Temple offers the background to experience all of these.

You can pay us a visit at Dukelská Třída, No. 86, in Brno Husovice.


Choose your masseuse

Tantra masérka IVA
Tantra masérka Marie
Tantra masérka Pavla
Tantra masérka Kateřina
Tantra masérka Veronika

What is tantra massage?

Tantric massage is the attitude toward a man and his physical shell.  It is a celebration and honoring of our wonderful and unique body as a tireless tool for experiencing oneself.  Every man and every woman is a unique creature - a manifestation of Lord Shiva and Goddess Shakti.  Forget all your alleged deficiencies.  After crossing my doorstep, you will become as perfect as you are now.
Tantra sees the body as a whole.  It does not select only some parts, such as the back, as it is customary in many massages styles.  At the same time, it realizes that the body is not just an empty vessel.


Through touch and feelings that it evokes, the soul is also being indulged.  It's so natural.  As little children, we felt the most blissfully in the arms of our mother and her touches calmed and soothed us from birth.  Daily bathing rituals bath and the subsequent baby oil massage acted beneficially on our mental disposition and a sense of self.  All kinds of pain soon dissolved under the touching hands of a loving person.  Need for loving touch in the body and the soul remains even in adulthood.  Maybe, we just do not realize it.  Today's hectic time focused on performance can easily distract us from that and intangible and immeasurable things like inner self, feeling or experiencing self.
Tantric massage can help to complete those needs or at the least begin to discover them and acknowledge their place in your life.  Tantric massage is a full-body massage in both the physical and energetic sense.  It is physical because it pays attention to every inch of your body.  It is also energetic, because it gradually activates energy in all seven chakras.  There comes a time of total relaxation and rest, which will leave all the problems and stresses and only you remain with your self in a captivating and sensual tones of music touches my hands.  This is a time without haste, time itself disappears and you can confidently indulge yourself in my care.  The massage is conducted so that you have enough time for a smooth return to reality.  You do not have to worry about time, because you do not have to worry about anything, just enjoy our existence.
Tantric techniques are numerous, but I draw mainly on my own intuition and my insight about the client.  What is good for one person, although it is in full compliance with recognized techniques, may not be comfortable for another at the same moment.  Therefore it is very important not to be afraid to convey your feelings throughout the massage.  I don’t want clients to burden themselves too much by thinking about it.  This is because thinking too much unnecessarily distracts the mind from the actual experience.  I just want to create a safe space of trust where they can say yes to everything that comes up.  Tantra just lets things flow and with the feeling of full acceptance opens the door to new experiences.


Dukelská tř. 86,  614 00 Brno - Husovice
(separate entrance from the street on the left next to the hairdresser)

The owner salon Kaira Sayah is
Iva Vavruša Procházková
IČ: 87239922

company headquarters: Scheinerova 25, 628 00 Brno

Business hours

Always by prior arrangement with the masseuse you have chosen
(Usually  Monday-Sunday: 9:00 – 21:00 )
